Jun 1, 2023
Alex and Jason discuss the fear of public speaking and a tip on how to overcome that, taking accountability for horrific life experiences and finding true love and comfort in being yourself, how to navigate the yearning for a mask to hide your true self, tips on achieving a lasting marriage, navigating obstacles...
May 22, 2023
Continued Conversation with Brady Weinrich on Holistic Lifestyle Embodiment. Alex and Brady discuss the mental benefits of fasting and how to actualize our dreams, the benefits of entheogens (i.e., psychedelics) and the process to undertake if you are called to participate in one of those experiences, how to...
May 15, 2023
Conversation with Jason Schechterle Air Force Veteran and Former Phoenix Police Officer. Alex and Jason discuss the fateful day of his accident, how we are all connected through our unique stories, how spirituality is intertwined within his life, what lights his fire each day and the meaning of life, his stance on...
May 9, 2023
Alex Petrowski, 5EP Podcast Conversation with Brady Weinrich on Holistic Lifestyle Embodiment. Alex and Brady dive deep on a whole rance of topics that span holistic life including companies Brady is involved in, culminating in his own Brady_Breathes practice (Instagram). Be sure to follow and become part of the 5EP...
May 1, 2023
Alex Petrowski, 5EP Podcast Continued Conversation with Bob Mulhern Senior Managing Director Colliers International and Board Chairman of Great Hearts Academies. Listen and learn as Alex and Bob discuss the topics of priorities, work culture and family life. Be sure to join the growing community on Instagram...